after almost 4 years of waiting yesterday The Behemoth finally gave us a release date for Alien Hominid Invasion and the re-release of Alien Hominid HD
they both release on November 1st! which just so happens to be 13 days before my 20th birthday so i see it as a really good early birthday present lol
i'm really excited to play Invasion properly outside of beta demo's and to play HD on more modern hardware especially Steam since it was stuck as an Xbox 360 exclusive until now (i do have the 360 version but i don't play my 360 much)
i'm hoping to get both games on release especially with how cheap the bundle is (around 25 dollars USD) but only time will tell, after all we still have around 3 weeks until release but nonetheless i can't wait for this game to finally be out in the world after so many years
ツ YoBlockTheater ツ